Our Published Books
Reclaiming Eden
When men and women lead and live collaboratively, it accurately represents God’s heart and harkens back to those perfect garden days before the fall, before the introduction of fear, death, and gender division. In Reclaiming Eden, Dr. Jennifer Dean-Hill offers revolutionary concepts on how to address the lack of gender parity in many US churches, while addressing the negative impact on modern marriages. Jennifer believes we can achieve a new and improved, complete version of ourselves as men and women are empowered to grow, serve, and lead together harmoniously
Dino, Huey & Tiny Children's Series
Take an adventure with three pals as they learn to celebrate family events, handle their fear, and say good-bye to those they love. Each book comes with therapeutic questions designed to engage the child in meaningful conversations about real life topics. Cooking recipes are also included in each book to tickle little tastebuds and make learning enjoyable.
Two Crowns One Kingdom
“Love is the most central and coveted of human emotions. We find love, and life is blissful. At least, for a season. Then our personal fairytales can take a shadowy turn as we enter the dark forest. Maybe “happily ever after” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Or is it?
Two Crowns, One Kingdom guides you and your partner through the fairytale journey one destination at a time. In this book, Drs. Jake & Jenn Dean-Hill explore adventures that every relationship must take-and explain the keys to success at every stage.
You’ll learn about:
– Fighting fair
– The art of blending
– Brain chemistry between genders
– The unique heart of men and women
– Universal longings we all share
– Experiencing soulmate status
– And much more
Drs. Jake & Jenn offer a trailblazing approach to relationships that speaks to the innate longings of men and women-and sheds new light on the beauty of blending to create an effective partnership.
One Kingdom Curriculum
One Kingdom is a progressive approach to relationship counseling that embraces humanity’s age old obsession with fairytale romance. Husband and wife team, Drs. Jake and Jenn Dean-Hill, are career therapists who each operate a private practice focused on marriage and relationship health. Their breadth of experience with the dynamics of romantic relationships offers you an online video series unlike any other