Love-Centered Institute
In order to effectively lead a love-centered organization or community we have to answer three important questions…
how do I matter?, how do YOU matter?, and how do WE matter?
I Matter
Understanding how to have awareness, boundaries, and compassion for yourself are the ABC's to developing love-centered leadership. Tapping into your love source allows one to lead in love from the inside out, because you can't give what you don't have.
Understanding how to communicate that others matter by being present, expressing whole-hearted acceptance, and building trust is the PAT on the back needed to empower leaders to be their best selves. Developing a collaborative love-centered team happens when each member feels like they matter.
Understanding how to develop a vision-driven community, inspire change, and establish a purposeful strategy creates a VIP community and is the quintessential goal of love-centered leadership. This sets a solid stage and provides clear tracks for on-going exceptional results for years to come.
Love-Centered Model
Love-Centered Theory
Love is the center of making everything work best. Fear causes us to conform, love transforms us from the inside out. Love is the most powerful change agent and keeps us passionate and purposeful about what we do and why we do it. When we operate from a love-centered brain and body, we are living and leading from the best part of ourselves. When we live from the best part of ourselves, everyone one and everything benefits. Through our innovative methods and positive psychology approach we help individuals and organizations answer some of life’s most important questions…How do I matter?, How do YOU matter?, and How do WE matter? Through Love-Centered Institute, leaders and teams experience how to be their best selves and be better together so organizations can flourish and prosper.