These courses are designed to be done in a group setting online or in person. They can also be done individually or as a couple/group. Each course is also available to you in a recorded format that you can learn in the comfort of your home.
Online and In-person workshops coming soon!

This is a 6 session online workshop over the course of 6 weeks designed for both men and women who want to learn the art and skill of leading better together. We affectionally call it Gender Synergy: that unique benefit that comes when men and women appreciate each other’s uniqueness and bring it together for a common goal. During this unique workshop you will learn valuable tools and skills to help men and women lead better together. Here are a few of the topics we will cover:
- Understanding the unique differences between men and women
- Utilizing the unique strengths that both men and women offer
- Developing the skill of bringing out those strengths in one another
- Knowing when to promote and submit to each other
- Learning how to have a powerful, professional relationship that is mutually respectful
Space for this workshop is intentionally limited in order to provide an enjoyable, collaborative experience, so make sure you sign-up early. Workshop start date TBD. We will meet online via Zoom for 90 min. Your live online presence will be crucial to the overall experience, but sessions will also be recorded in case you have to miss.
She Boss Leadership Group Course
As female leaders, our value and worth has often been inscribed to us and we are unknowingly embodying what others have told us we are. We have often tried to mute or tone down our femininity to avoid harassment, insult, or discrimination. In this course, you will define your value and worth as a female leader, learn the majestic power of your femininity as a leader and how to harness it. You will teach others how to view and treat you as you learn the unique characteristics of the female leader. You will meet other like-minded, high achieving women who will champion you to lead with your best self. This course is for female leaders and bosses managing people, businesses and organizations.

Session 1:
Leaning into Your Superpower - Your Femininity - as a Leader
Clean out negative beliefs of female leaders, create authentic true beliefs of your female power, experience a sense of completion as you undergo an organic and powerful transformation of you
Session 2:
The Imposter Syndrome - Meeting your Inner Child & Adult self
Normalize the imposter drome and how to overcome it by connecting with yourself in more love and acceptance. Know how to recognize when your vulnerable part is surfacing, how to self-regulate and allow your wise adult part to lead the show. Lead from a love-centered approach verses a fear-centered space.
Session 3:
Write your Own
Blueprint of You
Determine who you are according to how you were designed to be by identifying your core values, purpose statement, and develop a strategy to how to live you.
Session 4:
Leaning into Your Superpower - Your Femininity - as a Leader
Clean out negative beliefs of female leaders, create authentic true beliefs of your female power, experience a sense of completion as you undergo an organic and powerful transformation of you
Session 5:
Managing Difficult People and Identify Covert Abuse
Not everyone wants you to succeed or makes leading a peaceful experience. Learn how to navigate difficult people and conversations, and how to tolerate the tension. Identify covert abuse to provide psychologically safe culture for yourself and others.
Session 6:
Connecting verses
Learn what it looks like to lead from a love-centered self with connecting behavior in a relationship. Identify the difference of leading with control as manifested through fear and authentically connecting with others as manifested through love.
Session 7:
Manifesting your
Best Self
Choose your best self in leadership and develop a strategy to lead in your greatness on a daily basis. Live with intention as you are guided by your principles and values. Glean inspiration from others as you seek to live and lead with love-centeredness.
Session 8:
Wrapping it
All Up
Celebrate leading in your femininity and inspire other women leaders to lead collaboratively together. Understand how to build an emotionally safe and friendly commUNiTY so you can continue to cultivate feminine leadership strength.
Neurodiverse Couples Group Course
There are marriages where each partner has a unique and different neuro wiring that can complement and contrast one another beautifully. One can be Neurodiverse on the autistic spectrum while the other is not and is Neurotypical. But when you are unaware of your different processing styles, you can experience excessive conflict and frustration. Misunderstandings become intentional slights as you react verses respond to each other’s processing styles. Learn how to complement one another, have grace and acceptance for each other’s differences and lead from a love-centered approach. This course is for High Functioning Autistic partners with Neurotypical partners.

Session 1:
What is a Neurodiverse Marriage?
Identify the challenging factors of a ND marriage and the incredible strengths you have as a couple. Harness the beautiful contrast in your relationship as you accept differences with grace and grieve what you thought you had
Session 2:
Handling the Unexpected
Dispel the myths of what a marriage should look like and develop a marriage that is unique to you both. Develop healthy boundaries to keep each of you emotionally and psychologically safe as you remodel your relationship.
Session 3:
Deepening our Understanding
Increase your knowledge of what makes each person tick and how to bring out the best in both so you can bring out the best in your relationship. Learn the importance of humility, self-responsibility, and leading with vulnerability as you love and lead from a love-centered approach.
Session 4:
Take Care of You
Take complete control over you by understanding the power of loving you and learning the importance of self-regulating. Soothe and love yourself whole so you can lead and live with love.
Session 5:
How to Give and Love Selflessly
In every relationship, one partner will need the other partner more than the other partner is needing. Learn how to be needy and get your needs met appropriately. Identify and prioritize who and how your needs will be met. Share the responsibility of nurturing each other and the marriage.
Session 6:
Learn How to Request Your Needs to get the Love you crave
Increase your vocabulary and learn how to ask for the emotional needs that are lacking. Learn how to handle your personal tantrums and those of your partner. Lean into co-regulating as a technique for overcoming fear saturated bodies.
Session 7:
Increase the Play to Increase Flexibility
Choose times of play and laughter to release the perpetual tension in your relationship. Learn to provide affirmation to build connection and safety so you can play and laugh together. Lower your defenses by laughing with and not at each other’s differences.
Session 8:
Wrapping it
All Up
Summarize what we have learned and experienced. Capitalize on the importance of choosing to lead, live and love from a love-centered approach. Where to go from here? Develop a strategy forward to increase learning and positive growth.
Love-Centered Couples Group Course
Many marriages have strayed from their authentic self as a couple. They have forgotten the love, dreams and laughter that brought them together as fear and trauma saturates their marriage or relationship. Learn how to reclaim the love in your bodies and marriage as you discover the invaluable strategies of creating a love-centered marriage.

Session 1:
What is a Love-Centered Marriage?
Learn to differentiate between a fear-centered marriage and a love-centered marriage. Harness the power of love as you learn the Love-Centered Model and learn how to quelch fear psychologically, emotionally, and chemically in your body.
Session 2:
Learning the Value of Self-Regulating
Understand the importance of self-regulating yourself so you can cultivate love and light within yourself. Take responsibility to replenish your own love and joy before you can share with your partner.
Session 3:
Learn the Importance of Partner-Regulate
In every relationship, one partner will need the other partner more than the other partner is needing support. How to provide the best comfort and care for your partner is a common struggle. Develop confidence and a strategy that produces harmonious results when you learn how to regulate your partner.
Session 4:
Learn the Superpower of Co-Regulating
Decrease the stress in your relationship and increase love by learning the art of Co-Regulating. This builds the love hormone oxytocin and counteracts the fear hormone adrenaline in your relationship and puts you in your best selves.
Session 5:
Being Intentional in Living Love-Centered
Break old habits and develop new ones that build a love-centered partnership. Learn the art of mindfulness as you eliminate trauma responses in your relationship. Remodel your relationships by developing love bonds to replace trauma bonds.
Session 6:
Trauma Informed Care for your Partnership
Give grace and gentle teaching to yourself and your partner as both learn the significance of living with more compassion. Increase your vocabulary and learn how to ask for the emotional needs that are lacking. Lean into self, partner & co-regulating as techniques for overcoming fear saturated bodies.
Session 7:
Work & Play Balance
Learn the art of balancing times of work and play to release tension, build psychological safety, and increase trust in your relationship. Discover how affirmation releases the love hormone oxytocin so you can stay in love.
Session 8:
Wrapping it All Up
Summarize what we have learned and experienced. Capitalize on the importance of choosing to lead, live and love from a love-centered approach. Where to go from here? Develop a strategy and renewed commitment to live love centered.